To our young people

This Sunday (the last Sunday of November) is World Youth Sunday. At each Mass one of the young people from our parish who came to Lourdes last summer with Brentwood Catholic Youth Service (BCYS) will be speaking about their experience.

Pope Francis wants (and I want!) young people to be signs of hope to the world and to the church. Lots of you are already involved in our parish as servers, musicians, readers helping with coffee mornings, and just by being present as part of our church family you give great encouragement to others. One way to enrich your faith and find new energy for discipleship is to get involved with all that BCYS has to offer, including the highlight of the year which is summer Lourdes. This is a wonderful week of service (in which we receive as much as we give), making new friends, seeing a new perspective on the church and learning more about what is means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Generous financial assistance is available so that you won’t have to pay anything like the full headline amount in order to come.

You can see all the upcoming BCYS events at

The direct link to register for Lourdes (no commitment/cost at this stage) is

Will you be in the photo next year?

Please keep an eye out in the newsletter for other developments, including a new youth choir and music group we hope to launch in 2025, as well as the eventual re-launch of our parish youth group!

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