You can contribute via the collection taken up during Mass each weekend, but there are other ways of giving and making your gift go further.
You can support us with an online donation now via the diocesan website. As well as a general gift to the parish you can use this to support a special appeal or make a Mass offering (put ‘Mass Offering’ in the ‘Other’ box and contact the parish office to provide details of the intention).
We have launched a Building Fund, with the aim of raising a significant portion of the £2 million we will need to build a new Social Centre to serve our parish community.
You can read about our plans here
To contribute to the appeal, click on the button below.
Thank you for your support.
Gift Aid is a scheme which enables us to reclaim some of the tax paid by donors. Essentially if you are a UK income tax payer, making a Gift Aid declaration allows us to claim an extra 25% from HMRC. Higher rate tax payers can make an additional claim on their tax return. Please contact the parish office to find out more, or download and complete a Gift Aid Form and return to the parish office. To ensure your giving is identified for this purpose, you can use weekly envelopes or set up a standing order. You can also make a Gift Aid declaration when making an online donation.
A standing order means you can support the church without bringing something to put in the collection each week. We can easily claim Gift Aid on your donations.
The Gift Aid Leaflet also includes our bank details which you can use to set up a standing order via your bank’s online service, and a form you can alternatively take to your branch.
A self-service donation point can be found in the church porch, allowing you to make a gift of an amount of your choice using a credit/debit card or contactless payment device. You can make a Gift Aid declaration at the same time.
Over the years a number parishioners have made gifts to the parish in their will. Not only does the parish benefit greatly, but a legacy to a charity can also help reduce your inheritance tax burden. Please contact the parish office to find out more.
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