
Each and every person is created by God for 'some definite purpose' as St John Henry Newman put it.

We are all called by God to serve him in some way, given a share in Christ’s royal, priestly and prophetic office in Baptism and strengthened by the Holy Spirit in Confirmation. The word ‘Vocation’ comes from the Latin ‘vocare’, ‘to call’. Whatever our particular vocation, we are all called to serve and love God and our neighbour.

The church and society as a whole needs people of faith to serve in many different roles, in politics, business, healthcare, teaching, as well as people dedicated to the service of the poor and marginalised here and elsewhere. We need people who respond generously to the call to marriage and family life, recognising this as a noble path to holiness with selflessness at its core, and ready to bear witness to the church’s vision of human love.

We need women and men who respond to the call to a life consecrated to prayer and service, willing to renounce the materialism of life in the world. And last but not least we need men willing to give their lives in the service of God’s people as ordained priests or who will assist them as deacons.


If you would like some guidance on discerning your vocation please speak to Fr Matthew, and/or get in touch the the diocesan vocations team.

Brentwood Vocations

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