St Joseph's Catholic Church
The season of Lent
St. Joseph’s is a Christ-centred community which aims to lead all people to a deeper, life-changing encounter with the Lord. We are called to love all people, and this is reflected in our welcome to all who come through our doors and our service beyond these walls.
About Us
As a parish community, our life centres on the worship of God and the celebration of the Sacraments.
The Eucharist is the source and summit of all that we do as Catholics. The high point of the week is our gathering for worship on the Lord’s Day, with a 6.30pm Mass on Saturday evening, and Masses at 9am and 11am on Sunday morning. With rare exceptions Mass is also celebrated each weekday at 9.15am. All are welcome.
We are called to love God and neighbour, and by our actions as well as words to help others to find the joy of knowing the boundless love of God.

Established in Upminster in 1923
Our present church, located on Champion Road in the centre of Upminster, was built in 1939.
We aim to be a friendly, welcoming community. The church is open as a place for quiet prayer and reflection each day. All are welcome to join us for worship and other events, and you are encouraged to explore this website and read our weekly newsletter.
As a parish community, our life centres on the worship of God and the celebration of the Sacraments.
Whatever may have drawn you to our parish and piqued your curiosity, you may at some point find yourself wanting to take things further, and explore the possibility of actually becoming a Catholic. Though many Catholics were brought up in the faith from childhood, there are many who have come to the church via another route. This includes people who were brought up in other Christian communities, or other faiths, or none.